BNP Paribas has been appointed as the single source Real Estate Service Provider (RESP), managing the disposal of National Grid's 'redundant' surplus property portfolio. Therefore if your enquiry is regarding live and existing cables, please contact National Grid directly on 0800 111 999 or click here to contact them
Who are BNP Paribas: As of 1st April 2016 BNP Paribas Real Estate were appointed as the single source real estate advisors to National Grid Property Holdings to manage its surplus portfolio. The appointment means that BNP Paribas Real Estate will act as the sole agent responsible for managing asset management, sales, auctions, short to medium term lettings and town planning on approximately 350 of its surplus Brownfield sites.
What is NGPP: The National Grid Property Portfolio comprises of some 1680 properties and land holdings on 645 sites throughout the UK. The portfolio consists of offices, depots, houses and land, which are used for National Grid's business operations, let to third parties, or surplus to requirements.
In the Allsop Propchat episode titled “With £1billion of sales at auction, three experts say how...
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