Land off Ditton road, Widnes. Completed

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  • 0.72 hectare (1.77 acres) vacant brownfield site
  • Situated on the south side of Ditton Road, within the West Bank Dock Industrial Estate.
  • The Site comprises two former gas holders and areas of hardstanding land.
  • The Site is flat and irregular in shape with the two former gasholders situated on the northeastern part of the site.


The Site extends to an area of approximately 0.72 hectare (1.77 acres) and is irregular in shape. The Site currently comprises two compounds, one securely fenced with two former gasholder voids and the second containing an open hardstanding yard and vegetation. Entrance to the Site is via a prominent access directly off the south side of Ditton Road using a Right of Access over Halton Borough Council’s land. The Site is currently divided internally by a fence into two distinct compounds.



The Site is located to the western side of the town, surrounded by the West Bank Dock Estate of industrial units and open storage yards. The site is in close proximity to both the A562 and the A533, providing good access into Runcorn and Liverpool. These main roads connect into the M62 and M56, serving the North West of England.


Planning Potential

The site is included within a ‘Primarily Employment Area’, Policy ED2. Policy ED2 highlights the Council’s preference to support the local economy by safeguarding existing local employment areas as well as encouraging the redevelopment of existing employment sites. Redevelopment of this area for further employment use will be encouraged where it improves the quality of the site and contributes positively to its existing environmental condition. This illustrates the suitability for development (subject to planning), under currently adopted planning policy.

  • 0.72 hectare (1.77 acres) vacant brownfield site
  • Situated on the south side of Ditton Road, within the West Bank Dock Industrial Estate.
  • The Site comprises two former gas holders and areas of hardstanding land.
  • The Site is flat and irregular in shape with the two former gasholders situated on the northeastern part of the site.


The Site extends to an area of approximately 0.72 hectare (1.77 acres) and is irregular in shape. The Site currently comprises two compounds, one securely fenced with two former gasholder voids and the second containing an open hardstanding yard and vegetation. Entrance to the Site is via a prominent access directly off the south side of Ditton Road using a Right of Access over Halton Borough Council’s land. The Site is currently divided internally by a fence into two distinct compounds.



The Site is located to the western side of the town, surrounded by the West Bank Dock Estate of industrial units and open storage yards. The site is in close proximity to both the A562 and the A533, providing good access into Runcorn and Liverpool. These main roads connect into the M62 and M56, serving the North West of England.


Planning Potential

The site is included within a ‘Primarily Employment Area’, Policy ED2. Policy ED2 highlights the Council’s preference to support the local economy by safeguarding existing local employment areas as well as encouraging the redevelopment of existing employment sites. Redevelopment of this area for further employment use will be encouraged where it improves the quality of the site and contributes positively to its existing environmental condition. This illustrates the suitability for development (subject to planning), under currently adopted planning policy.

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